- Science City was inaugurated on 1st July 1997 by Shri Inder Kumar Gujral, Prime Minister of India in the presence of Shri K. V. Raghunatha Reddy, Governor of West Bengal, Shri Jyoti Basu, Chief Minister of West Bengal and Shri S. R. Bommai, Union Minister of HRD, Govt. of India.
Following facility for visitor were opened
- Space Theatre with 360 seater hemispherical and tilted dome theatre with Astrovision 70 and HSS Helios Planetarium system.
- Time Machine
- Exhibits on Space
- Dynamotion with exhibits on Physical and Life science.
- Life Science Corner
- Cactus Corner
- Butterfly Garden
- Musical Fountain
- Convention Centre Complex
- Picnic Area
- Science Park
- Road Train
- 18 meters high and 400 meters long, pulsed power, Ropeway was commissioned on Public Private Partnership model.
- A children activity area with live specimen and specially developed kits for school children was opened.
- Following shows were held
- Dog Show
- Flower Show
- Cactus Show
- 2nd Science Centre World Congress (2SCWC) was held at the Convention Centre Complex of Science City during January 11-15, 1999.
- A guided tour through Dynamotion, Science Park and Dinosaur Enclave were introduced for visitors during specific times of the day.
Science City recorded 18,72,654 footfall during the year.